Imprint (Berlin for Young People)
© Herden Veranstaltungs GmbH 2019
Editors: Christoph Gattnar, Martin Herden, Miriam Herden, Peter Kondratowski, Christoph Ortner, Madeleine Schallock, Mikael Schallock, Kerstin Stiller, Stephanie Ulbrich
Articles: Michael Bienert, Prof. Andreas Nachama
Translation: Madeleine Schallock, Mikael Schallock
Layout, typesetting: Andrea Jaschinski, vitamin-a-design
Printing and binding: Druckhaus Berlin-Mitte
Citymaps (attachment): Berlin Story Verlag – Alles über Berlin GmbH
Citymaps (inside): auf Grundlage von
Flipbookpictures: Philine Rasch, Angélique Gurulé
Copy date: 10 April 2019
No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of the information (prices, opening times etc.) nor for authorial opinion.
ISBN German edition: 978-3-9817997-4-3
ISBN English edition: 978-3-9817997-5-0
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